May 07, 2012

Light of Day

Hey everyone! Here`s a quick excerpt from a story I wrote a while ago. Read it, enjoy it, and tell me what you thought!

          A flash of white, then darkness. I screamed at the world for letting this happen to me. The rain pelted my tear stained face and filled my mouth with a sweet, fresh taste. I tilted my head back farther, trying to obtain more of the liquid into my mouth.  I was stuck, under the dark brown earth, stuck and couldn’t get out. 
           I screamed until my voice went hoarse and I couldn’t scream anymore.  My throat was bone dry, even though the wet rain slid down it. Slowly, I could begin to see a faint light above me. It glowed dimly and I knew it had to be the moon. Another flash of white and then a deep rumbling that shook the ground echoed beneath me. 
            My eyes flashed in anger for the one who had done this to me. As soon as I broke my bonds, he would never see the light of day again. He would experience the pain and suffering that I felt and then we would see who was laughing. I had done nothing to him, and yet there I was, stuck beneath the hard ground in a water drain.
         I screamed again, hoping someone would hear me but knowing that no one would. Finally I stopped, letting the warm tears flood down my cheeks and into the puddle I was standing in. The rain continued to fall and the water level rose. I knew that if no one came soon, I would drown.   

 Hope you liked it!